Cooking Mama and the 2 hour release
The new game, “Cooking Mama: Cookstar”, which had no set release day was somehow released and taken down several hours later.
The game “Cooking Mama: Cookstar” was to be released in March 2020 but was never given an official day of release. Reaching the end of March, several users downloaded and others found physical copies of the game. From the news source “GONintendo”, an individual was able to download the game where hours later, the game would become unavailable. With no official date given of release, many wondered why the game just suddenly became available and unavailable in a short time.
Below is the release window for the game “Cooking Mama: Cookstar” that was found on the Cooking Mama: Cookstar’s trailer video.
Fans wondered if this quick release was due to the many rumors following the game and association to the game mining crypto-currency. From the news source “Screen Rant”, an anonymous developer who worked on the game said, “The statement about crypto-currency was all buzz words…As for the crashes/ overheating. That would be because the game is made in unity. By many people working on their first game…”. The anonymous developer continues and states that the real reason that the game was taken down from the Nintendo eShop was that, “There is a legal battle between the publisher, planet entertainment and the ip holder, office create”.
From the news source “Nintendo Life”, they reported that the game “Cooking Mama: Cookstar” would be sold directly from publisher Planet Entertainment. The “Cooking Mama: Cookstar” website said, “Planet Entertainment, the publisher of Cooking Mama: Cookstar, is offering the game directly to consumers during the Covid-19 Pandemic. With most of the retail locations closed or out of stock, we are making the game available directly from us, Planet Entertainment”.
Below is a photo of the order page where individuals can safely order a copy of the new game “Cooking Mama: Cookstar” from the official Cooking Mama shop website.
After all the confusion and uncertain release dates, fans of the Cooking Mama series can finally play the new installment with no worry of crypto-currency farming and in store stock.